Terk HDTVo Amplified Outdoor HDTV Antenna
Terk HDTVo Amplified Outdoor HDTV Antenna
The HDTVo by Terk is a compact, amplified, highly directional VHF/UHF antenna that captures and focuses HDTV signals toward the array. To achieve its exceptional performance, the HDTVo utilizes a purpose-designed, highly directional log periodic antenna array in conjunction with a pair of curved elements that capture and focus HDTV signals toward the array. This unique design also provides a high degree of interference rejection. In addition, the HDTVo employs a high-gain, ultra-low-noise amplifier that increases the strength of weaker signals and optimizes signal gain for maximum HDTV reception.
Features of the Terk HDTVo Amplified Outdoor HDTV Antenna
- Receives all available UHF/VHF local HDTV broadcasts
- Highly directional UHF elements reduces signal interference
- High average return loss for better reception and performance
- High gain picks up further stations
- FM compatible
- HDTVo can be installed virtually anywhere outdoors to receive both UHF and VHF signals
- Will mount on standard DBS or DIRECTV dish mast
- Includes all hardware needed to mount on a wall, roof or an attic
- CEA Color Code: Blue