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Channel Master CM4221
Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna

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Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna
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Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna

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Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna

& Features

Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna.

Features of the Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna

  • Same as Channel Master Antenna model CM4221A
  • Range Designation: Far Suburban Rated
  • UHF Reception Range: 45 Miles
  • Galvanized heavy-duty Screen
  • Pre-galvanized Mast
  • Outdoor Balun Kit included with all Models. The kit allows the antenna to be connected directly to a 75 ohm coax cable. It includes the balun, weather boot and S clip.
  • This is a Large Directional antenna and yeilds an average beam width of 50 degrees.
  • CEA Color: Can be used in any color code area, but requires an amplifier and roof mounting for blue, violet and red color codes. Amplifiers are not recommended for yellow color codes.
  • Size: 4" x 20" x 35" (L x W x H)


Specifications for the Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna

Technical Information:
Elements: 16
Average Gain: 10.6
Antenna Length: 4"
Antenna Width: 20"
Antenna Height: 36"
Turning Radius: 10"
Box Size: L 37.5" H 21.5" W 5.5"

Note: Specifications and pricing of the Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna subject to change without notice. Illustrations and descriptions of the Channel Master CM4221 4-Bay UHF Multi-Bow HDTV Antenna do not claim to be complete.
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